Berlin 2024




Year 10 Berlin Trip 2024

Posted on: 13th May 2024

On Friday 3rd of May the History Department took 40 year 10 students on an educational trip to Berlin. Led by Mrs Lomas, the visit was an excellent opportunity for students to see sites from World War II and the Cold War, which helps to bring their KS4 course to life.

During their time in Germany’s capital city, students explored the rich and diverse history of Berlin. The sites visited included a visit to the concentration camp, Sachsenhausen, and the Jewish Museum. This gave students an opportunity to reflect on why it is important not to forget or gloss over elements of world history which might be uncomfortable, so the mistakes of the past are not repeated. Students also got to visit the Topography of Terror, which is on the former grounds of the headquarters of the Gestapo, the high command and security service of the SS. Here students saw the culmination of violence and persecution that consolidated the Nazi regime. A place that serves as remembrance and a warning from history.  

Mrs Lomas siad: "All students thoroughly enjoyed the trip and they represented SRWA with pride whilst abroad. Thank you to all of the students, parents and staff who made the trip possible. We thoroughly enjoyed it and hope to replicate the trip next year." 

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